Why Do You Carve? Part 3: The Creative Process

This is a continuation of my "Why Do You Carve?" posts. If you have not read "Part 1: Relaxation" or "Part 2: Fellowship", you can do that now. I'll wait.
For many carvers there is a distinct thrill in creating something new from a piece of wood. This is especially true for those who begin with an image in their mind and follow that idea through to a completed original carving. Even those who follow a pattern created by someone else, experience the excitement of seeing a new creation, made by their own hands, emerge from the wood.
One of my favorite parts of the process is developing and refining an idea through a series of sketches. I also enjoy seeing the piece develop as I go. Sometimes it takes turns that I did not anticipate, but in the end, it is something new and something good.
Do you enjoy the creative process all through your work, or is it a special thrill when the work is completed? What is the most rewarding part of the creative process for you?
(Pictured is the work of Travis Bryant.)